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Other writing

Select Short Fiction
Select Nonfiction

Select Short Fiction

‘A Tango Bar in Buenos Aires’ in The Good Journal, July 2018

‘In the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens’ in An Unreliable Guide to London (London: Influx Press, July 2016)

‘The Wait’ in The Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, May 2011 (Japanese translation in the Hawakaya’s Mystery Magazine, March 2012)

‘Faded Serge and Yellowed Lace’ in World Literature Today: A Bimonthly Magazine of International Literature and Culture, November 2010

‘A Cup Full of Jasmine Oil’ in The Drawbridge, Issue 13, Summer 2009; Reprinted in the Orientalia Suecana, Vol 60 (Uppsala, Sweden: Uppsala Universitet, 2012); in Minal Hajratwala (ed.), Out! Stories from the New Queer India, (Mumbai: Queer Ink, 2012); Aesthetica Creative Writing Annual (New York, USA: Aesthetica, 2018)

‘Diplomatic Immunity Fatigue’ in The Drawbridge, Issue 10, Autumn 2008

‘Tomorrow the Tigress Will Hunt’ in The Drawbridge, Issue 8, Spring 2008

‘Bungalow Number Nine’ in Namita Gokhale (ed.), Days of Innocence: Stories for Ruskin Bond (New Delhi: Roli Books, 2002)

Select Nonfiction

‘Farah Khan: Cinephilia, Nostalgia and Melancholia; in Aysha Iqbal Viswamohan (ed.), Women Filmmakers in Contemporary Hindi Cinema: Looking Through Their Gaze (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023)

‘Jhalak Prize: In Search of Lasting Change,’ Writers Mosaic (A Division of Royal Literary Fund), December 2021

‘The Gait of the Elephant’ in Pree Lit (Issue 2, December 2018)

‘A Very British Blindness’ in Goodbye, Europe (Orion, 2017); Postcards to Europe (Orion, 2019)

‘Why the lack of Indian and African Faces in Dunkirk Matters’ in The Guardian, 1 August 2017

‘The end of necro-capitalism (but not necessarily capitalism),’ in Media Diversified Academic Space, 7 November, 2017 

‘My Body is Not Your Images: Diversity, Aesthetics and Popular Culture’ in Yasmin Gunaratnam (ed.), Complicit No More (London: Media Diversified, 2014)

‘Towards an Inclusive, Fluid Construction of Gender and Sexual in Commercial Indian Cinema(s)’, in Diana Dimitrova (ed.), The Other in South Asian Religion, Literature and Film: Perspectives on Otherism and Otherness (Routledge, 2013)

‘Evolving Modernities: Formation of the Urban Imagination in Hindi Cinema’, in Karen McNally (ed.), Billy Wilder, Movie Maker: Critical Essays on the Films (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011) 

‘From Kurukshetra to Ramarajya: A comparative analysis of the star personas of Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan’ in Diana Dimitrova (ed.), Religion in Literature and Film in South Asia (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010) 

‘In Praise of the Delinquent Hero or How Hollywood Creates Terrorists’ in James Atlas (ed.), How They See Us: Meditations on America (New York: Atlas, 2009)

‘Sobre Santas y Guerreras’ (in Spanish; About Saints and Warriors) in Context: Asia Pacific edition, the PEN International Magazine, Vol. 59, No. 2, Autumn/Winter 2009

‘The Road to Rāmarājya: Analysing Shah Rukh Khan’s Parallel Text in Commercial Cinema’ in BELLS: Barcelona English Language and Literature Studies, Vol. 17 (2008) 

‘Writing Against History: Seizing Subjecthood for the Aborigine Narrative’ in Sue Ryan-Fazilleau (ed.), New Zealand & Australia: Narrative, History, Representation (London: Kakapo Books, Centre for New Zealand Studies and Birkbeck, University of London, 2008) 

‘Defining the Self, Not the Other: Development of a Non-Pakistan-centric Post-Globalization National Identity in Hindi Cinema 1996-2006’ in Meenakshi Bharat and Nirmal Kumar (eds), Filming the Line of Control: The India-Pakistan Connection in Hindi Films, (New Delhi & London: Routledge, 2008)

‘Writing in My Own Foreign Language: Dilemmas of an Indian Writer in English’ in Madelena Gonzalez and Francine Tolron (eds), Translating Identity and the Identity of Translation (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006)

‘Fear of Meeting Mr. Right’ in Jane Ganahl (ed.), Single Woman of a Certain Age: Romantic Escapades, Shifting Shapes, and Serene Independence (Maui and San Francisco: Inner Ocean Publishing, 2006)

‘Mi Cine – El Bollywood: Rasas y Maya, conceptosmilenariosen la actualidad’ in Papeles de la India (in Spanish; My Cinema, Bollywood: Classical Concepts of Rasas and Maya in Contemporary Culture), Vol. 32, No. 2, (New Delhi: Indian Council for Cultural Relations, 2005)

‘La Industria Cultural en la India Actual’ in D-CIDOB (in Spanish; The Cultural Industry in Contemporary India), Vol. 94(2005)

‘False Truth’ (a translation of an extract from Jhootha Sach: Desh ka Bhavishya, Vol. II by Yashpal), in Khushwant Singh (ed.), City Improbable: An Anthology of Writings on Delhi (New Delhi: Penguin 2001)

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